Frequently Asked Questions
What 1 year colleges, 2 year community colleges, 4 year universities, trade schools, and HiSET/GED programs can the EOC help potential students enroll?
The EOC can assist participants in every step of the process in attending accredited HiSET/GED programs, certification programs, 7 week certification programs, 1 year certification programs, 2 year community college/trade school programs, and 4 year university programs all across the United States. The EOC has service locations on UT Chattanooga campus, Chattanooga State, Dalton State as well as locations throughout the counties we serve. The EOC can also arrange to meet you where you are as well as virtual online appointments.
Is there a charge or cost for the Educational Opportunity Center (EOC) to help me?
There is no charge, cost, or fee for the EOC to help eligible participants obtain additional education. The EOC is 100% grant funded through the U.S. Department of Education and the grant allows the EOC services to be FREE for those that EOC staff assist. The EOC is housed on the campus of UT Chattanooga with additional locations at Chattanooga State Community College, Dalton State, and other Georgia Northwest locations
What do I need to bring to my Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) appointment?
We are currently helping students complete the 2023-2024 FAFSA, and will need 2021 tax returns for students and parents ( if dependent). Starting in January 2024 the EOC will assist aspiring students and parents with completing the 2024-2025 FAFSA. The EOC also provide several other FREE services for those seeking additional education.
Do I need to pay back grants?
Grants and scholarships do NOT need to be paid back.
How does TN Reconnect work?
The Tennessee Reconnect grant is available to Tennessee residents that qualify as an independent student on FAFSA. Eligible participants have not earned an associate or bachelor degree, and should not be in default on student loans.
What makes a person an independent student?
To be determined as an independent student on FAFSA individuals must meet as least ONE of the following criteria: 24yrs or older, married, have children, military, homeless (or at risk of homeless), and if someone other than your biological parents ever had custody of you.
How long will it take to fill out my FAFSA? How many days will it take for my FAFSA to process?
It normally takes up to 45 minute to an hour when the EOC staff assists potential students to complete the FAFSA (Depends if an appointment is made before receiving EOC service). After the FAFSA is successfully completed and submitted, it takes 3-5 business days to process